



Cypress Show Choir

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Sparks Fair Share


Student Participation Fair Share - Sparks

It approximately costs $737.50 per student in Sparks for an unforgettable experience for your child in this program. This cost covers band, choreographers, clinicians, competition fees, vocal coaches, costumes, music, props, and set design. (**This does not include student-owned items such as undergarments, and shoes- those are paid separately.**)

Sports, band, cheer, and other extracurriculars rely on fundraisers and family support in order to supplement our program. We ask that donations are made to support your child's musical journey and experience in our program. (All donations are nonrefundable)

**Parents - please make sure you are logged into your BoosterHub account when paying your fair share so it is properly logged into your account. Thank you!**


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Parent/Guardian Name *
Student Name *
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